We are pleased to announce the formation of our newly elected Regional Office!

Following the 2023 CUPW Convention these are the members elected to the Regional Office

Regional Executive Committee (REC)
Jennifer Savage – National Director
Troy Coburn – Regional Education & Organization Officer
Wes McIntosh – Regional Grievance Officer

Union Representatives
Blair Bancroft
Janice Jarvis
Amy Anderson
Stephen Gale

Over the course of this last term we have many people to thank for their hard work and dedication to the membership.

Thank you!!
Sister Angel Hoare
Sister Cindy McDonnell
Sister Coleen Jones
Sister Emily Ottewell
Sister Erin Collins
Sister Jessica Demspter
Sister Karen De Francesco
Brother Tom Jackson

We wish you all the best as you continue your activism in the Labour Movement and move on to new life journeys!

A big thank you also goes out to Irene Kwan. Irene retired in 2020 after 45 years working for CUPW. We miss  you and thank you for all you did for the many people that worked in the office over the years and the membership.

Thank you to Bethany Glover and Nicole Van Dijk, you are a big part of making sure the office runs smoothly and we have what we need to do our work. Thank you both for all your hard work.


In Solidarity,

Jennifer Savage