Virtual “Area Councils”

The Pacific Region will be hosting virtual “Area Councils” to help locals to discuss and formulate demands for the upcoming wage and contract Regional Conferences. These meetings will be open to delegates to the Regional Conference but also to anyone interested in attending. The workshops are voluntary. There will not be any per diems. Lost wages are at the discretion of your local.

We will do an education around how to write a resolution and then break people off into groups to have discussion on things they would like to see changed or improved in the Collective Agreement.

There will be a discussion paper coming from National that will be available before these dates, to aid in the discussions.

Please send the names and email addresses of the members that wish to attend, and which bargaining unit they belong to, attention Bethany at

The dates are as follows,

Urban Collective Agreement February 6th 10-4
RSMC Collective Agreement February 7th 10-4

The dates have been set for the Wage and Contract Regional Conferences, which will be held virtually.

Urban resolutions committee April 19th – 21st Conference April 22nd- 24th.

RSMC resolutions committee April 30th – May 2nd, Conference May 3rd – 5th.

Resolutions must be passed at a local general membership meeting.

The deadline for receipt at the Regional Office is March 5th for Urban resolutions and March 16th for RSMC resolutions.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

In Solidarity,

Coleen Jones
National Director, Pacific Region