Bulletin # 099

Today we received the long awaited interest arbitration decision from Arbitrator Elizabeth MacPherson. Below is a summary of this decision and how it will impact Urban Ops employees.

The Following Has Been Imposed by the Arbitrator


As per the parties agreement, this will be a 4 year collective agreement expiring on January 31, 2022.


The wage increases effective on the following dates:
• February 1, 2018 2.0%
• February 1, 2019 2.0%
• February 1, 2020 2.5%
• February 1, 2021 2.9%

All wage increases will be retroactive to the effective date of the increase.

Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

Effective January 1, 2020 Urban employees will have their wages protected against inflation. This protection is provided in the last two years of the collective agreement. If the cost of living increases by more than 5.33%, during these two years, the COLA protection will trigger.

Temporary Employees Moving Through the Pay Increments

Temporary employees will now move through the annual pay increments in each year that they work over 1000 hours. This provision applies as of January 1, 2019.

Union Education Fund

The amount that Canada Post pays to the Union for the education of our members is increased from 3 cents to 3.5 cents per hour paid to Urban employees.

Group 1 Staffing

Improvements in clause 39.06 to include hours worked by temporary employees. Part-time and temporary employees are only to be used for part-time and temporary operational requirements and wherever practicable, the work should be combined to create full-time positions.

Letter Carrier Restructures, Overburdening and Health & Safety

Letter carriers will now be permitted to combine their manual and sequenced mail in their vehicle, prior to delivery, so long as it does not incur overtime.

There will be a study to review how the mail volume index is calculated and applied, as well as, a study to review the percentage of coverage formula.

There will be annual volume updates on all letter carrier routes based on lettermail and PCI volumes in the previous year. The assessed value of a route will only be adjusted if there is an increase in assessed time.

Appendix LL was modified to allow more letter carriers to get unwanted overtime removed from their routes on specific days. There is more flexibility in the application of this appendix and an opportunity to opt in and out.

Short Term Disability Plan (STDP)

There are improvements to the appeal process and a waiver of time limits for claims relating to psychological illnesses. All final appeal decisions shall be based on medical evidence only. Only the employee, the union and the Case Manager can communicate with the Independent Medical Physician. Recovery of overpayments due to EI payments while on STDP will be limited to 10% of your pay per pay period.

Job Security

The date in clause 53.01 was updated to June 1, 2020. There shall be no lay-off of any regular employee who was employed in the bargaining unit as of this date. Any employee who becomes a regular employee after this date and has five years of continuous employment will also have this protection.

Temporary Peak Workforce

Canada Post now has the ability to create a temporary workforce in Group 2 to assist with the extra volumes between November and the end of January.

Holding Group 2 Vacancies

Canada Post now has the ability to temporarily hold Group 2 vacant positions, when it is known that there will be a reduction in positions.

New Services

The Corporation and the Union agree to work collaboratively on a selected set of new financial services.

Environmental Strategy

The parties are to work together to develop a strong environmental strategy for the Corporation by reviewing all aspects, including fleet, buildings, products and services.


During the life of the collective agreement, the parties are to have discussions with the objective of defining common ground and solutions that address the sustainability of the pension plan.

Additional Changes to the Collective Agreement:

Prior to the arbitration, the parties had come to agreement on a number of issues that will also be incorporated into the collective agreement and they are as follows:

• Clause 5.01 shall include genetic characteristics
• New wage chart for MAM10s, MAM11s, EL5s and Lead Hands in groups 3 and 4
• New classification of VHE10 – Full Service Vehicle Mechanic
• Protection of current VHE9s not to be declared surplus as a result of introducing VHE10s.
• Group 3 & 4 Language Review Committee
• Dental Fee guide to be updated. One-year lag of dental fee guide
• Workplace Diversity and Employment Equity Committee
• Parties to develop a Domestic Violence Policy
• Access to Information for Group 2 Restructures:
o Access to CPC’s software programs including Georoute
o An Oversight Committee to address concerns regarding restructures
o More information for union observers
• Clarification on the collation of 3 or more sets of admail
• Appendix AA projects on:
o Overburdening of letter carriers due to weight and/or volume of mail, Neighbourhood Mail and  packets
o Delivery Pilot – To test flexible dynamic routing delivery models
• Pilot on Temporary Employee availability for group 1 in Halifax and for group 2 in Vancouver
• Overtime while on training

There will be more details of what is in the Arbitrator’s decision coming in the next several days.

In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator

Sylvain Lapointe
On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee
Urban Unit

2019/2023 Bulletin #147