As we approach a new year, it is timely to reflect on the past year, look to the future, and wish you a happy and healthy New Year.

Looking Back

Of course, the largest looming memory of 2020 has been the virus and the ensuing pandemic that caused much of the country to shut down except for frontline and essential services. But it is not all that happened.

In February, the Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled that Foodora couriers, whom CUPW had organized, were dependent contractors. This decision was precedent setting, granting the workers the freedom to unionize. When Foodora announced they were leaving Canada, amid a global pandemic, CUPW negotiated a financial settlement for these workers.

As May arrived, the world witnessed the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police, which reignited the call to end systemic racism and resulted in an outpouring of solidarity. Change is also needed at home, where Black people, as well as Indigenous people, face violence and death at the hands of the police at higher rates than others.

We finally received Arbitrator MacPherson’s decisions on both the RSMC and Urban Operations collective agreements in June. These awards did not address the problems faced by postal workers, but they did contain wage increases and some improvements. We also negotiated new contracts for some of our private sector bargaining units, including T-Force Final Mile in Ottawa and Eazy Express in Burlington and continue to fight for our PSBU members across the country.

Throughout the year, CUPW continued to argue for a sustainable postal service that fights climate change and meets the needs of people and communities.

What Will 2021 Bring?

The New Year begins with some hope that this dreadful pandemic will soon end, as vaccines have already begun to be rolled out.

There will be challenges and hard work for all CUPW members in the upcoming year. PSBU collective agreements will be negotiated, and we will continue to hold employers accountable and fight for fair contracts. We must also begin to prepare for the next round of RSMC and Urban Operations bargaining. The RSMC collective agreement expires on December 31, 2021, and the Urban Operations agreement expires on January 31, 2022. In addition, CUPW will continue to organize workers who are not covered by collective agreements and work to get them organized.

A Federal Election may be called in 2021, and we will need to do all we can to elect a government that respects workers, protects pensions, and supports public services.

As CUPW members, we can be proud of all we have accomplished in this truly difficult year. We know it wasn’t easy, and we recognize all the efforts you have put in.

May your 2021 be filled with love, family and friends, respect, justice, and fairness. Happy New Year!

In Solidarity,

Jan Simpson
National President