Bulletin #100

Today we received the long awaited interest arbitration decision from Arbitrator Elizabeth MacPherson. Below is a summary of this decision and how it will impact RSMCs.


As per the parties agreement, this will be a 4 year collective agreement expiring on December 31, 2021.


The wage increases effective on the following dates:
• February 1, 2018 2%
• February 1, 2019 2%
• February 1, 2020 2.5%
• February 1, 2021 2.9%

All wage increases will be retroactive to the effective date of the increase. The Arbitrator changed the effective date for RSMC raises from January 1 to February 1. More information to follow.
Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

Effective January 1, 2020 RSMC employees will now have their wages protected against inflation. This protection is provided in the last two years of the collective agreement. If the cost of living increases by more than 5.33%, during these two years, the COLA protection will trigger.

Union Education Fund

The amount that Canada Post pays to the Union for the education of our members is increased from 3 cents to 3.5 cents per hour paid to RSMC employees.

Hours of Work

Any employee whose average workweek on his or her own route exceeds forty hours during any period of two consecutive weeks (not including weekends) shall be paid time and a half for hours worked over forty per week. Where practicable, the Corporation shall provide assistance to perform the work over forty hours per week. The employee providing this assistance shall now be paid by Canada Post, at the appropriate derived hourly rate, for the work being done.

Job Security and Job Retention

• Job security for all route holders and permanent relief employees (PRE) with 5 years of continuous employment. No lay off but with requirement to accept a position within a 75 km radius of your current installation. This protection lasts for 1 year.

• Job Retention: Protecting all work currently performed by RSMCs. All new points of call, not attributed to Urban letter carriers under Appendix “E”, within RSMC delivery areas that would not go to another bargaining unit would go to RSMCs. The use of contractors is limited and the Corporation must make every reasonable effort to have all work done by RSMCs.

Short Term Disability Plan (STDP)

There are improvements to the appeal process and a waiver of time limits for claims relating to psychological illnesses. All final appeal decisions shall be based on medical evidence only. Only the employee, the union and the Case Manager can communicate with the Independent Medical Physician. Recovery of overpayments due to EI payments while on STDP will be limited to 10% of your pay per pay period.

Injury on Duty Pay

RSMCs will now continue to be paid by Canada Post when off work due to an injury on duty (WCB claim). This payment shall be 75% of your regular pay. While waiting for a decision from WCB, you will continue to be paid at 70% of your regular pay.

Permanent Relief Employees who have a WCB claim will have the payment amount calculated based on an average of their previous 52 weeks earnings.

Absence Coverage

The Corporation shall be responsible to provide coverage for all absences in installations with 3 or more RSMC routes. Effective September 1, 2020 on call relief employees will be utilized in postal installations with 3 or more RSMC routes.

Post-Retirement Health Care Benefits

All RSMCs that retire with 15 years of service, as an employee, shall be eligible for post-retirement health care benefits. The eligibility period shall start on either January 1, 2004 or when you became an employee.

Work on Weekends – Parcel Only Delivery

Effective July 1, 2020, employees performing parcel-only delivery on weekends shall receive $2.00 per parcel delivered. You will also be compensated at $1.4044 per kilometre driven, effective January 1, 2020 and $1.4325 effective January 1, 2021. This work will be offered using equal opportunity. Parcels delivered on weekends will not be counted as personal contact items.

New Services

The Corporation and the Union agree to work collaboratively on a selected set of new financial services.

Environmental Strategy

The parties are to work together to develop a strong environmental strategy for the Corporation by reviewing all aspects, including fleet, buildings, products and services.


During the life of the collective agreement, the parties are to have discussions with the objective of defining common ground and solutions that address the sustainability of the pension plan.

Additional Changes to the Collective Agreement:

Prior to the arbitration, the parties had come to agreement on a number of issues that will also be incorporated into the collective agreement and they are as follows:
• Clause 5.01 shall include genetic characteristics
• Access to Information:
o CPC to provide a 12 month implementation schedule
o National and Locals to be provided with more information to be able to verify restructures
o No difference in restructures between offices with less or more than 6 routes
o National Oversight committee to review restructures
• Work Content Committee to review and possible amend the RMS and how routes are built
• Five years of Sick Leave Without Pay
• Dental Fee guide to be updated. One-year lag of dental fee guide
• Pay protection for three months after a restructure
• Bidding by seniority after restructures
• CPC to provide Permanent Relief in offices with 12 or more routes
• Points and uniforms now the same as Letter Carriers
• Value of sequenced mail cannot be more than 20% (previously it was 30%)
• Workplace Diversity and Employment Equity Committee
• Parties to develop a Domestic Violence Policy.

There will be more details of what is in the Arbitrator’s decision coming in the next several days.

In Solidarity,

Nancy Beauchamp
Chief Negotiator

Sylvain Lapointe
On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee
Urban Unit

2019/2023 Bulletin #148

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