INVITATION to a Cross-Country Webinar


Taking Stock & Resetting the Frame

Thursday 23 July 2020 at 7:30 p.m. EDT

On behalf of the Equal Pay Coalition and Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), through the financial support of the Atkinson Foundation and Canadian Women’s Foundation, we invite you, your colleagues and your allies to join us on a special cross-country strategy webinar series: RISING TOGETHER: WOMEN FOR A JUST ECONOMY.

We are taking our national mobilizing summit of community and labour organizations online on Thursday 23 July at 7:30 p.m. EDT with the first of six FREE webinars. The incredible speakers joining us to launch our strategic discussions on Taking Stock & Resetting the Discussion are:

Pam Palmater (Ryerson) on Indigenous communities & COVID-19

Poet & Journalist El Jones on Anti-Black Racism & building real economic security

Bonnie Brayton (DAWN) on Building an inclusive economy

Angella MacEwen (CUPE) on Opportunities for leverage in budget processes

Independent Senator Frances Lankin on Looking at the Political Landscape

You are receiving this invitation because you and your organization were invited to the April 2020 in-person mobilizing summit in Toronto which was postponed by the pandemic. But we are thrilled to relaunch our collective strategic engagement online!

On 3 April 2020, we held a cross-country webinar which outlined the anticipated gendered impacts of the pandemic. Sixteen weeks later, those impacts are confirmed. The pandemic has highlighted how women’s work, both paid and unpaid, is essential to a functioning society. It has also exposed the fault lines that divide our society and the many dynamics of discrimination that drive women’s poverty, unequal pay and economic instability.

It is time to reboot the RISING TOGETHER: Women for a Just Economy discussion. Economic and social recovery demand a strong intersectional gendered lens if we are to achieve real justice.

After our July 23rd reset, we’ll host five more webinars from August to November. They will bring together women’s organizations, trade unions and community organizations mobilizing on issues of decent work, gender-based violence, decolonization, racial justice, disability inclusion, climate justice, migrant rights, the care economy and more. Through presentations and strategic breakout discussions, we will share common concerns and collaborate to identify common ground, build strategy and plan actions to address the root causes of women’s economic marginalization. Hold these dates for our next webinars:

* Wednesday 12 August @ 7:00 p.m. EDT: The Care Economy
* Wednesday 16 September @ 7:00 p.m. EDT: Decolonizing the economy
* Wednesday 14 October @ 7:00 p.m. EDT: Anti-oppression & the green economy
* Wednesday 4 November @7:00 p.m.: Integrating Core Principles of a Feminist Economy
* Wednesday 18 November @ 7:00 p.m. EDT: Mobilizing for Action for a Just Economy

This year’s activities will culminate with a public action on Monday 7 December, the 50th anniversary of the Royal Commission Report on the Status of Women, at which we will collectively put forward our demands for real change.

Please join us. We can host 1000 attendees on each webinar! Please spread the word and invite colleagues and allies to attend. Captioning will be available on all webinars and we will also have channels for simultaneous interpretation in French and English.

While the webinars are FREE, please register here to receive the link to the first webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/112711117988

When you register, you will be asked two questions to help us collectively take stock:

1. What is the pandemic’s impact on you/your organization?
2. What do you need for economic justice?
Your responses will help build the discussion on July 23rd and at future webinars.

If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. You can reach Fay Faraday at fay.faraday@faradaylaw.com and Jan Borowy at jborowy@cavalluzzo.com.

In solidarity,

Fay Faraday
Equal Pay Coalition

Jan Borowy
Equal Pay Coalition

Jackie Neapole
Executive Director

Jane Stinson
Research Associate




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