Let’s all stay safe!

As we head into week 10 of the COVID-19 pandemic, please make sure that we continue to make health
and safety our main priority. I know that parcels volumes are through the roof, but all of you continue to
show your communities how amazing postal workers are. You are at work everyday supplying an
incredible service to your customers. I see many notes, signs and messages thanking postal workers for
their terrific service. Also all the people who have participated in the 7:00 p.m. parades to thank health
care workers, Thank you!! Such a fantastic show of Solidarity.

Making sure all of you and your loved ones stay safe should be the main priority. We must do everything
we can to make sure that happens, things like:

• Continue to wash your hands, avoid touching your face and cough or sneeze into your elbow
• Stay at home and away from others if you are not feeling well
• Maintain physical distancing at all times
• Staggered start times and breaks

We have been very lucky in the Pacific Region because all of the work all of you done in this regard.

The Pacific Regional office has been meeting weekly with the General Manager, Doug Matsumoto,
Human Resources Manager, Sandra Lucarino and Labour Relations Manager, Terry Chahal. At these
meetings we are able to raise concerns that have been brought forward by the locals and come to a
resolve, I want to thank them for the many positive outcomes we have had when we raise specific issues.

COVID-19 reporting sheets have been sent to all the locals, and these enable us to escalate issues as they
are brought to our attention. Please have your health and safety committees fill them out, this helps us
identify where there are problems.

This virus is not going away anytime soon, we must continue to be vigilant in our safety practices. The
Local Joint Health and Safety Committees have been doing a tremendous job of identifying issues and
putting safety measures in place. We must remain committed and work together to help to reduce the
workplace risks. The Province of B.C. is starting to open up this week with new safety practices in place
in their workplaces. This has become our new “normal’ and we cannot go back to the old ways.

Please be aware of your own mental health and that of others, talk to your social steward or contact the
Employee and Family Assistance Program {EFAP}. This is a stressful time for everyone and we must
remember to be kind to one another. Now is not the time to let your guard down, you have all done an
amazing job so far, of keeping each other safe.

I know that some of the new work practices that were put in place, were thought to be just a temporary
fix, things like staggered start times and others. Unfortunately, we have come to the realization that this
pandemic is not going away anytime soon and as we need to continue practicing social distancing, these
measures need to stay in effect. I know that some of the changes were made quickly as we adapted to the
policies put forward by public health and the provincial government. If the changes made need to be
adjusted based on your own workplace, please bring your thoughts/suggestions to your local joint health
and safety committee so they can explore all options to make the best plan while still ensuring that
physical distancing occurs. We need to work together to make sure we come out of this pandemic healthy
and safe. As Dr. Bonnie Henry says, “this isn’t forever, but it is for now”.

In Solidarity,

Coleen Jones
National Director