Are you grappling with how we are going to have to change our society, workplaces, and systems going forward post-pandemic? The Global Labour University is offering a free course, online, on your own time, to think about ways to implement pro-human, pro-planetary change. No previous formal education is required, however you will need a working knowledge of English.

This online course is called “Post-Corona Starts Now”. Its purpose is to support a global debate on policy solutions and strategies in order to undertake far-reaching change in our way of doing things, change that will be centered on protecting workers, and keeping people and the planet safe.

The course is presented in four different chapters:

1.    How to create resilient healthcare systems;

2.    Income support and social protection for workers;

3.    Financing the recovery; and

4.    Social and environmental sustainability.

The pandemic has thrown up lots of challenges to our way of life.  It has also provided an incredible opportunity to understand what was wrong with our world and the way we do things, how we collaborate with others, at home and worldwide, in order to produce real far-reaching change—one that will be more sustainable for all life, and for the planet.

The decisions we make today will have far-reaching consequences for current and next generations that will be irreversible.

We cannot continue with the course we are on; with stretched health care systems, workers exploited and expendable, the acceleration of ecological horror, rapid extinctions, and the failure of food systems.

All this, while we allow corporate madness. We permit one man, Jeff Bezos, to make $11.5 million per hour, or $3,182 dollars per second, which will soon make him the world’s first trillionaire, as workers remain overburdened carrying his products without a contract.

You can learn more about the course and register here: https://iversity.org/en/courses/post-corona-starts-now.

Anyone can join. The course will be online June 1, 2020 and you can proceed at your own pace.

A certificate of participation is offered if you finish the course. It is free for union members, and you can ask for it, email to online@global-labour-university.org indicating you are a CUPW member based in Canada.

In Solidarity,

Dave Bleakney
2nd National Vice-President