COVID-19 Strikes Toronto Gateway East

Saturday January 23 2021

In recent days, the number of workers testing positive for COVID-19 at the Gateway East facility in Mississauga has greatly increased. Public health authorities have ordered that all shift #3 employees are to self-isolate. These employees will receive paid quarantine leave. All shift #2 employees will have to be tested for COVID-19 or self-isolate for 14 days.

I know I speak for all postal workers when I extend our wishes for a quick and full recovery to all of our members who have tested positive. On behalf of the National Executive Board, I wish to express our solidarity with the membership of the Toronto local. I also wish to thank the members of the Toronto Local Executive and the Regional Officers in Metro Toronto for their excellent work in representing their members during this difficult time.

Improved Health and Safety Measures

CUPW has raised the need with management
to improve the health and safety measures at Gateway. We have been assured of the following:

  • full sanitization of the plant;
  • enhanced measures will be taken to promote physical distancing;
  • proper and sufficient personal protective equipment will be available; and
  • increased safety inspections and information to be provided to
    the union.

Protect Yourself – And Your Co-Workers

  • With new and more contagious variants of COVID-19 spreading across the world, it is more important than ever to take action in the workplace to protect your health.
  • Practice physical distancing;
  • Wear your mask properly;
  • Frequent hand washing;
  • Notify your union steward or health and safety representative of any condition or situation that you feel is unsafe;
  • If you develop symptoms get tested and stay at home until you get the results.

Postal Workers – Proud to be on the Front Line

Throughout this crisis, postal workers in every community, have been providing invaluable service to the entire population. We have helped small businesses to survive and we have enabled people to overcome social isolation. We will be there until the pandemic is over. Until then we need to do whatever is necessary to keep ourselves and our co-workers safe and healthy. That is one of the reasons why CUPW is attempting to have postal workers prioritized to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.

In Solidarity,

Jan Simpson
National President