Late yesterday afternoon, Canada Post counsel notified the Arbitrator and our counsel that they would not cross examine either Cathy Kennedy or Sylvain Lapointe. They also stated that they would have no sur reply evidence. This was confirmed via video conference this morning. The evidence portion of the arbitration is now complete.
Argument Phase
Now the parties have to go through 43 days of evidence and almost 300 exhibits and compile concise written arguments. It will take time to make sure nothing is missed and that the Arbitrator fully understands our position on how the evidence relates to the issues in dispute.
The timelines have always focused on doing final arguments on May 6 and 7 and this has not changed. The Arbitrator has requested that the written arguments be submitted to her by April 29. She will then disclose them to the other party.  We then have a week to review Canada Post’s written argument to prepare for May 6.
Decision Date
The Arbitrator is still mandated to have her written decision prepared and distributed by June 30, 2020. There is no indication that she will request another extension now that she knows the evidence is complete.
This has been a very long process, but the end is in sight!
Thank you for your patience and support!
In Solidarity,
Nancy Beauchamp                                                                       
Chief Negotiator                                                
RSMC Unit                                                                                       
Sylvain Lapointe
On Behalf of the Negotiating Committee
Urban Unit