Pacific Region


President’s blog, 20 March 2020

I want to send a message to my entire CUPW family, all of our active members and our retirees. First of all, I want you to know that during this time of crisis, our CUPW leadership is absolutely focused on protecting our membership in every way we can. We are facing the most significant health Read more about President’s blog, 20 March 2020[…]


As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, I would like to offer my reassurance to all our members across the country that CUPW is doing everything in its power to hold our employers accountable to keep you safe at work. The majority of CUPW members do not have the ability to work remotely. Read more about COVID-19 UPDATE[…]

New dedicated phone line for COVID-19 concerns

The province has announced that there will be a new active phone number for British Columbians to call for information on COVID-19. Amid the current outbreak of coronavirus, huge call volumes into the current provincial health information line available at 8-1-1 are causing massive delays and phone wait times. This has sparked the province to Read more about New dedicated phone line for COVID-19 concerns[…]