Pacific Region



In Ontario, there is a mandatory government order to close non-essential businesses due to COVID-19. Despite this order, we wanted to ensure that the arbitration hearing continued, so we worked with the Arbitrator, CPC and our IT department to find a way to proceed. This process has been going on for a very long time Read more about ARBITRATION UPDATE[…]

Message of Solidarity regarding the COVID-19 Crisis from Jan Simpson, CUPW National President

Hello, this is Jan Simpson, CUPW national President. I hope you and your families are staying safe and well. Postal workers have always played a crucial role in delivering the necessities of life to people’s homes and providing important services in our communities. This work, in these unprecedented times, while increasingly important in getting our Read more about Message of Solidarity regarding the COVID-19 Crisis from Jan Simpson, CUPW National President[…]

COVID-19 Information Update: March 22, 2020

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis CUPW representatives, at all levels, local, regional and national, have been meeting with CPC management to ensure that the health and safety of postal workers is the number one priority of management. Here is an update on discussions we have had with senior management and actions taken by Read more about COVID-19 Information Update: March 22, 2020[…]