Pacific Region


Remembering Megan Whitfield – Virtual Funeral Service

  Sisters, Brothers and Comrades, Last week, our Union lost Sister Megan Whitfield – a leader, activist, trailblazer, mentor, but also our friend. Megan was respected for standing up and speaking out against racism, sexism and intolerance and was an advocate for greater diversity in the leadership of the labour movement. She pushed for the Read more about Remembering Megan Whitfield – Virtual Funeral Service[…]

CUPW to Provide Non-Medical Masks to the Membership

Whether we are cleaners, postal and delivery workers, medical dispatchers or in other important roles, CUPW members have been on the front lines performing vital services to the public during the COVID-19 crisis. The National Executive Board has authorized the purchase of non-medical masks for each of our members. CUPW Locals will be receiving shipments Read more about CUPW to Provide Non-Medical Masks to the Membership[…]

CUPW Statement: Anti-Black Police Violence Harms all of us and Must be Stopped

Monday June 1 2020 Over 50 years ago, American Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” This quote explains and underscores what we are seeing in the media in response to the police killing of a Black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Canadian Union Read more about CUPW Statement: Anti-Black Police Violence Harms all of us and Must be Stopped[…]