Pacific Region



One of Canada Post’s key demands during the past two rounds of bargaining was to get some sort of flexibility or labour savings for the delivery of parcels on weekends. During the last round, the parties negotiated Appendix “JJ” which would allow for the creation of a parcel delivery workforce. CPC has rarely used this Read more about TEMPORARY PEAK PERIOD WORKFORCE URBAN  […]

Group 1 Staffing – Urban Unit

Over the years, the Union’s top priority has been and continues to be to ensure that temporary employees have access to regular employment and that these employees, as well as part-time employees, have access to regular full-time positions. This not only ensures that they can move up the salary ladder based on their length of Read more about Group 1 Staffing – Urban Unit[…]

Letter Carrier Overburdening

While the Arbitrator did not completely fix the multiple bundle delivery method for letter carriers, she did award other language that will help to address the issue of overburdening on letter carrier routes. Mail Volume Updates One of the biggest challenges with the assessed values for letter carrier routes is that the Personal Contact Items Read more about Letter Carrier Overburdening[…]