Pacific Region


Happy UN Day of the Older Person – October 1, 2020

October 1 is the United Nations Day of the Older Person. It is a time to recognize the contributions that older people have made and are still making. It is also an occasion to commit ourselves to improving the lives of older people. Finally, October 1 is a day to protect our pensions and post-retirement Read more about Happy UN Day of the Older Person – October 1, 2020[…]

Dues Keep Pace With Pay Increase – Reminder

The National Constitution sets the basic dues rate for Urban Operations workers at 300% of the maximum hourly rate for the lowest classification within the bargaining unit. RSMC dues have been set at 1.71% of the wage portion received by each member, to a maximum equal to the dues for Urban members. Some Locals have Read more about Dues Keep Pace With Pay Increase – Reminder[…]

Labour Day 2020 – Message from CLC President Hassan Yussuf

Greetings, We are now one week away from Labour Day. We know that many labour councils, affiliates and federations are preparing online events, and/or will be sharing social media messages to mark this important occasion in the labour movement’s calendar. We are pleased to support these efforts. Please find below links to our social media Read more about Labour Day 2020 – Message from CLC President Hassan Yussuf[…]