JUSTICE AND DIGNITY FOR ALL – You’re Invited to the Premiere of CUPW’s New Documentary

CUPW is proud to share its latest documentary, Justice and Dignity for All: Stories from the Struggle for Pay Equity, and invites all members to a special premiere screening of the film on Sunday, October 25th at 4 pm ET on Zoom. This is the inspiring tale of the forty-year effort by the Rural and Read more about JUSTICE AND DIGNITY FOR ALL – You’re Invited to the Premiere of CUPW’s New Documentary[…]


We are still meeting virtually with CPC on the issue of pay increments and the corrections. Canada Post has started paying out members who were underpaid and expect everyone to be fully compensated by the end of 2020. For the members who were overpaid, there has been an agreement between the parties that CPC will Read more about PAY INCREMENTS[…]


British Columbia provincial Election Day – October 24th – is approaching quickly. We encourage all union members to engage in this election and especially cast your ballots. The provincial government can profoundly affect the lives of workers. CUPW is over 7,000 members strong in British Columbia. We can be a big factor in electing a Read more about BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCIAL ELECTION DAY – OCTOBER 24th[…]